Paramedic Council Elections
Becoming a member representative provides full members with an incredible opportunity to develop their skills, broaden their expertise and build up their strengths as an individual. Being the go-to person for members in their area is extremely rewarding and can make a genuine difference, with the Paramedic Council being able to bring a range of new projects to the table for discussion.
The member representative role is a voluntary position which provides unparalleled professional networking opportunities.
The 2024 elections are now complete and the results are as follows:
Wales member representative – Keith Dorrington
Eastern member representative – Kevin Cowan
South East member representative – Samantha Barry
Eastern was the only seat that was contested and we thank the Eastern full members for taking the time to vote.
Download the Civica Election Services report of voting here
The member representative role is a voluntary position. The candidates will live and/or work in the region/nation that they are standing for and represent the members in their geographical area.
The member representative, as a member of the Paramedic Council, will contribute to the work of the Council ensuring that College activities and services appropriately address the needs of the members and the profession. The member representative will advocate for the voice of the collective membership in all that the College does, articulate the needs, interests and opinions of members wherever they work, and communicate to ensure an informed and engaged membership.
For more information on the Paramedic Council
click here.
The maximum tenure for a Member Representative is two terms, each term consisting of 2 years. At the end of their first term, Member Representatives must consider their wider commitments, reflect on their first term, and decide whether to stand, alongside other full members of the College, to be elected for a second term.
Voting is available for all full members in the region/nation where the position is contested. All eligible voting members will receive an email from Civica Election Services (CES). If you cannot find the email you should:
1. Search your inbox for an email from with subject: Paramedic Council Election 2024
2. Email to request a reissue, being sure to mention it’s for the College of Paramedics, Paramedic Council Election 2024
3. Request an automatic reissue via – for this process, you will need to enter the email address that we have registered to you in our database
4. Check that we have the correct email address for you by checking your profile at Member login
5. If you are still unable to find an email and believe that you should have received one, please contact
Our regions are based on the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) used by the National Office of Statistics and others.
College elections are administered by an independent election service. Votes are counted using the Single Transferable Vote system, which means second and even third or later choice votes may come into play.
Looking towards the future
This is a truly exciting time to join the College’s Paramedic Council.
As the College, we will reach our 23rd birthday in December 2024. The last 22 years have been remarkable in terms of the development of our profession and the strengthening of us as an organisation and professional body.
As a professional body, the College represents its members and the profession in all matters of knowledge, skills, conduct and practice. It’s essential that we continue to represent the collective voice of our members in all matters that affect the profession and the delivery of safe, system-wide, healthcare.
In order to achieve this, we need to ensure we are a strong and stable organisation capable of responding to a range of challenges, some predicted, some not. The coming 12 months will see the College refresh our strategy, through consultation, to take us through the next 3 years.
We hope you will consider joining us in the role to continue our vision to inspire and enable all paramedics to participate in the profession within an environment based on safety, collegiality, inclusiveness, mental and physical wellbeing, and innovation.
In order to achieve this, we need to ensure we are a strong and stable organisation capable of responding to a range of challenges, some predicted, some not. The robust governance processes already in place have enabled us to gain a Royal Charter, which is an important step on the way to becoming a ‘royal college’. The coming 12 months will see the College legally transition into being a Chartered Charity as well as refresh our strategy, through consultation, to take us through the next 3 years.