Board of Trustees
Trustee Duties and Commitments
As the governing body of the College of Paramedics the Board of Trustees has certain duties and commitments:
- To provide clear strategic direction and sound management
- To ensure that the necessary resources are in place for the College to meet the strategic aims
- To provide active leadership of the organisation within a framework of effective checks and balances
- Individual trustees also have commitments within their particular role
Trustees are legally responsible for the College as a charitable company, they have an oversight role and seek assurance from the Chief Executive that the organisation is legally and financially sound and complying with its charitable purpose, outlined in the College charitable objects within the
Articles of Association.
They do this by holding regular Board meetings, where they receive reports on the financial and business aspects of the organisation, and review how the work aligns and contributes towards achieving the strategic aims. Although our Chief Executive and her team attend Board of Trustee meetings, the trustees are the only people entitled to make decisions at a board meeting.
Full members of the College of Paramedics are eligible to stand as a candidate to be a trustee when a position becomes available. Trustee candidates are voted on by Congress members; Congress is the Board of Trustees and the
Paramedic Council together.
The maximum tenure for a trustee is two terms, each term consisting of 2 years. At the end of their first term, trustees must consider their wider commitments, reflect on their first term, and decide whether to stand, alongside other full members of the College, to be elected for a second term as trustee.
Being a trustee involves:
- Inputting strategically to the work and direction of the College.
- Preparing for meetings by reading papers
- Attending 6 meetings a year – mixture of virtual and in-person meetings
- The expectation to serve on one of the Board committees
- Engaging with the relevant paid lead on a monthly basis
Attending a relevant College workstream conference annually
Undergoing training and development as appropriate
Charity Commission’s guidance on being a Trustee -
The essential trustee: what you need to know, what you need to do (CC3) - GOV.UK (
The requirement for charities to provide public benefit -
Public benefit: rules for charities - GOV.UK (
2025 Elections
Full members now have an opportunity to stand for three trustee positions; President, Vice President (Honorary Secretary) and Trustee (Clinical Development). Read more here.