Meet the Trustees

The College became a registered charity in 2015 and as such is registered with both the Charity Commission and Companies House. Trustees are legally responsible for the College as a charity, they have an oversight role and seek assurance from the Chief Executive that the organisation is legally and financially sound and complying with its charitable purpose, outlined in the College charitable objects.  

They do this by holding regular Board meetings, where they receive reports on the financial and business aspects of the organisation, and review how the work aligns and contributes towards achieving the strategic aims.    

Following the recent vote by the membership to approve the restructure we will have a reduced number of Trustees from the AGM on the 14th September 2021, a natural and progressive step for a developing member organisation. This will provide the organisation, on behalf of the membership, with good governance assurance and more focused attention to potential issues. Our Trustees will be the President, Vice President, Honorary Treasurer, new Chair of Council and the Trustees for Clinical Development, Education, Membership, Professional Standards and Research.

All those below, except the Student Representative, are still legally Trustees of the College until the AGM, continuing their duties and commitments as such, and are the voting members of the Congress.


Jon Price


Jon leads on Clinical Effectiveness for North West Ambulance Service, and is operational as an Advanced Paramedic Practitioner. He is responsible for clinical guidelines, clinical performance, elements of clinical governance, and leads the trusts Freedom to Speak up team. He is focused and committed to enabling an open and transparent speaking up culture through effective leadership. 

Jon has been a registered Paramedic since 2008, initially training in Yorkshire before moving to the North West. He completed Yorkshires first Foundation Degree course programme via the University of Teesside, and completed his Bachelor’s degree in professional Paramedic practice with Edge Hill University. He completed a Masters in Advanced Clinical Practice at the University of Bolton in 2019. 

Jon has extensive experience in volunteering, having spent over 20 years volunteering for St John Ambulance in various senior regional roles which brings him insight into how organisations utilise their volunteer workforce and how they can effectively integrate into charity and corporate environments. 

Jon has been involved with the college since 2020 as the regional member representative for the North West Region, putting into place the foundations for greater member representation going forwards. 

Away from work, Jon lives in Southport with his wife and family, enjoying dog walks, and playing for his local cricket team.


Kerry Robertshaw

Vice President (Honorary Secretary)

Kerry is the Professional Development Lead in the Welsh Ambulance Service with a strong focus on Advanced Practice.

After working full time as an advanced paramedic in Primary Care for a number of years, Kerry returned to the ambulance service in leadership roles, aimed at sharing her learning and experience and improving the career progression and professional development of those in her organisation.

On a national footing Kerry works closely with professionals from a variety of nursing and allied health profession (AHP) backgrounds, on advanced practice and education networks throughout Wales. Kerry aims to bring this different perspective to the board.

Becoming involved in the Primary and Urgent Care specialist interest group for the devolved nations through the college, highlighted the important work the college does to drive our profession forwards. This incentivised her to become a more integral part of its structure.

Kerry feels deeply that we are stronger together when all views can be represented, and collectively as part of the wider AHP family.

Outside of work, Kerry enjoys making the most of the beautiful area she lives in, regularly walking or cycling around Snowdonia National Park with her young family and puppy Teddy.


Jacqualine Lindridge

Trustee (Professional Standards)

Jaqui qualified as a paramedic in 2003, having begun her career three years earlier as a trainee ambulance technician at London Ambulance Service (LAS). Keen to develop her clinical practice, she later trained as an Emergency Care Practitioner before moving into an education role for a few years.  Jaqui was then awarded a Darzi Fellowship in Clinical Leadership, and worked with Croydon CCG on the development of Family Engagement Partnerships, before joining the LAS Medical Directorate as Consultant Paramedic in 2014, leading the introduction of the Advanced Paramedic Practitioner (Urgent Care) service.   

Jaqui then joined the Emergency Care Intensive Support Team (ECIST) within NHS Improvement, working with acute and ambulance trusts nationally on improving patient flow and access to services.  Jaqui returned to LAS during the Covid-19 pandemic, again as a Consultant Paramedic.  Jaqui is now Director of Quality Improvement and is proud to lead a diverse directorate which includes Health, Safety and Security, Safeguarding, Freedom to Speak up, Quality Compliance and Regulation, the Emergency Bed Service, Frequent Callers and Quality Improvement.   

Jaqui is passionate about medical ethics, professional standards and improving care and service and is also currently working on her professional doctorate, and is researching decision-making in relation to restraint in acute behavioural disturbance.  Outside of work and the professional space, Jaqui enjoys walking in the countryside, gardening and making stained glass objects.


Giles Adams

Honorary Treasurer

Giles works for NHS England as Head of Improvement in the Emergency Care Improvement Support Team (ECIST). This involves system level work to support improvement in all aspects of the patient journey when accessing emergency or urgent care. Often this involves creating environments where clinical and operational teams have the space and safety to explore and embrace new ways of working. 

Giles has been a registered Paramedic since 2003 and subsequently completed a diploma in advanced practice at St Georges University. Prior to joining NHS England, Giles held a number of operational leadership roles in South East Coast Ambulance Service having completed a Masters degree in Leadership from the University of Birmingham. Having developed a passion for continuous improvement, Giles moved to a role in the Quality directorate as an associate director with a wide range of corporate responsibilities all anchored to an unwavering commitment to patient safety and staff wellbeing.    

With a personal interest in mental health, Giles spent nine years volunteering as a governor for the Sussex partnership foundation trust, giving him extensive knowledge of the workings and governance of an NHS Board. He was also part of the multi-disciplinary team that developed one of the first street triage services in the country.  Giles is a level 7 qualified coach and utilises this approach to support individuals and teams, particularly for those in leadership roles, to explore and devise their own solutions for a variety of situations and problems.
When not working Giles lives in East Sussex with his partner and they enjoy long country walks with their three dogs and spending time with their two amazing granddaughters.


Ed Harry

Trustee (Research)

Ed is an Advanced Paramedic Practitioner and Independent Prescriber working for the Welsh Ambulance Service University NHS Trust since 2011.   

Since 2020, Ed has been actively involved in the College’s Primary and Unscheduled Care Special Interest Group (PUCSIG). That, with his passion for developing and supporting Research in Paramedicine incentivised him to apply to be a part of the College’s structure.   

Academically, in 2020 he was successful in being awarded the Health and Care Research Wales RCBC fellowship to undertake his PhD studies with Swansea University investigating the effects of COVID-19 pandemic on the health and wellbeing of ambulance service staff.  

Ed has a really ambition for developing and supporting paramedic practice with particular interests around Advanced Practice, Remote Consultation and Telephone Triage and Health and Wellbeing.   

He hopes to support a movement from the public misconception of ambulance work being just a transportation arm of the healthcare service to being a first class model of healthcare delivery for patients and the community.   

Away from work, Ed lives in Swansea and enjoys being outdoors, socialising with friends and is an avid Lego collector.  


Mary-Jane Emery

Trustee (Clinical Development)



Jonathan Davies

Trustee (Membership)

Jonny was an IHCD Technician before registering as a paramedic in 2010 working in both the NHS and independent sectors. After completing a BSc in Critical Care in 2012 Jonny completed further training as an Anaesthesia Associate and now works at Manchester University Hospitals. When Jonny is not working in the theatre environment he works within urgent care and is a Non-medical Prescriber. Jonny has been very lucky to provide event medical support all around the UK but also in the Amazon jungle, Fiji and the Canadian arctic.   

Jonny is an experienced SME Company Director with a Post Graduate Certificate in Management and Leadership (Distinction) and is very passionate about providing strong leadership with an emphasis on growing and maintaining a positive company culture. Jonny has a diverse range of previous experience managing event medical companies, sporting events companies and hospitality venues. 

When Jonny is not working he loves open water swimming, ultra running or snowboarding.


Benjamin Haselwood

Trustee (Education)

Benjamin holds the position of Deputy Head of Clinical Education and Practice Development within the Strategy, Culture and Education Directorate of a large NHS Trust. He has extensive experience spanning clinical, operational and regional tactical leadership roles, including chairing and representation across governance committee, board-level and strategic tiers. His voluntary role as NHSE Clinical Senate Assembly Member also ensures that Paramedic expertise is further embedded at all tiers of the healthcare system.
His interests focus on human factors, clinical leadership development and strategic transformational change, and is a developing coach. He is an advocate of cultural change within his Trust and via his AHP Faculty and Council portfolio and Fellowship, with his scholarly activity focusing on a conceptual paradigm presented at national and international conferences. He believes that effective clinical education is vital to the continued growth and credence of our profession and relishes the opportunity to be that conduit for the College’s future.  


Helen Hardy

Chair of Council

Why did you choose to be a Paramedic?
People spend most of their lives at work (it seems), so it should be something that you enjoy! I was interested in the training Paramedics must complete to be able to understand such a range of patient presentations in diverse environments. I wondered if this was something I was capable of, so it was a challenge I set myself and a career change from the world of pharmacy. 14yrs later, and I have loved my career as a Paramedic - from Student to Senior Paramedic and trainer, to Lecturer Practitioner at UEA and Clinical Practice Specialist in EEAST, I have been afforded the opportunity to develop and grow in my practice.

What happens if you don’t agree with other Council members?
I expect to have professional discussion, that’s what we are there for – to challenge appropriately and offer reasoned debate from every perspective. The views should be mine alone but should represent the themes I collect from members in response to the question of the moment, to raise their questions for discussion across the profession. That’s what the College is all about for me – its members should drive and challenge the change.

What’s next for you?
I am interested in adding to my small collection of level seven modules, perhaps building on to an additional master’s degree. More importantly, the formal academic study gives me deadlines for learning – something that signposts me to actually completing a piece of work. Assessments in the form of case studies are particularly helpful to me in my clinical learning and have given me the tools I need to remain contemporary in my practice. 

Twitter @HelenH_Para