
Founded in 2001 as the British Paramedic Association, the College of Paramedics adopted its current name in 2004 and became a registered charity in 2015. It is registered with both the Charity Commission and Companies House.

It is governed by its Articles of Association and detailed regulations made under the Articles. The governing body within the College is the Board of Trustees
College of Paramedics Registered No. 05062387 
Registered Charity No. 116445 

Board of Trustees 

The Board of Trustees governs the College of Paramedics and is the body of individuals which is ultimately legally responsible for the control and governance of the College under Charity Law. 
The purpose of the Board of Trustees is to set the strategic direction for the College, securing its long-term direction. The Board also ensures the College is run effectively and properly, meeting its legal and other obligations. The Board is ultimately accountable to the College membership. It achieves this through its own actions and through delegation of appropriate actions to employees, committees of the Board and individual trustees. 
Click here to meet the Trustees and find out more about their role within the College. 

Paramedic Council 

The Paramedic Council provides a platform for member representatives to steer and shape the future of the College of Paramedics. 
Representatives advocate for the voice of the collective membership in all that the College does, articulate the needs, interests and opinions of members wherever they work, and communicate to ensure an informed and engaged membership. 

Click here to meet the Paramedic Council and find out more about their role within the College.