What’s involved?
• Step 1 - Write a ‘letter of intent’, which makes the case to the Privy Council office for permission to start the process of seeking incorporation by Royal Charter.
• Step 2 - Once the Privy Council office has taken a view, it will then reply to say that they are minded to allow the College to petition for a royal charter.
• Step 3 – The College can then draft the Royal Charter, bylaws, and the formal petition and send them to the privy council office.
• Step 4 - After receiving these documents the Privy Council Office will form a small committee to consider the petition, they will then agree whether the documents should be sent to the Privy Council Advisers. The second stage is for these advisers to formally respond to the Privy Council, saying yes, they are happy or no, they are not. The second meeting of the working party will then agree for the petition to be gazetted, upon which the petition will be placed in the London Gazette for eight weeks, when anybody in the world can object.
• Step 5 - Once the eight week period is over, there will be a further meeting of the working party and then they will recommend to His Majesty that the great seal is applied, and from that moment onwards the College of Paramedics will have the charter.
• Step 6 – The College will be invited to collect the charter.