Emergency and Critical Care
In this section, I plan to include key College documents relating to Emergency and Critical Care delivery, and a selection of useful links and documents that may support your practice. If you have other information that you feel would be useful for the College to share, then do contact me at Carl.Smith@collegeofparamedics.co.uk and I can arrange for this to be added. This is your page so please make use of it and share information which you feel would be of benefit to other members of the college.
I am always keen to hear from members from all across the UK about how the College can support their clinical development, so please do not hesitate to get in touch with any thoughts, comments or ideas you have. Additionally, I will use this page to advertise any Emergency / Critical Care clinical development projects that College members can become involved with.
Keep checking back for updates,
Carl Smith MSc, DipIMC RCSEd MCPara – Head of Clinical Development for Emergency & Critical Care