Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) make changes to their standards of conduct, performance and ethics


The College of Paramedics is drawing members’ attention to the recent changes to the Health and Care Professions Council's standards of conduct, performance and ethics.

In its latest update, the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), has updated six of its 10 standards which make up its ethical framework.

The HCPC has also released updated guidance on social media use with all changes coming into force from 1 September 2024.

The following standards have been updated:

  • Promote and protect the interests of service users and carers
  • Communicate appropriately and effectively
  • Work within the limits of your knowledge and skills
  • Manage risk
  • Report concerns about safety 
  • Be open when thing go wrong

Updates centre around five distinct themes - communication, duty of candour, upskilling and training responsibilities, managing existing health conditions and disabilities in the workplace, and equality, diversity and inclusion.

The College welcomes the following addition to standard 7 that requires registrants to report concerns about safety. Sub standard 7.5 says;

You must raise concerns regarding colleagues if you witness bullying, harassment or intimidation of a service user, carer or another colleague. This should be done following the relevant procedures within your practice or organisation and maintaining the safety of all involved.

The HCPC ethical framework outlines how registrants are expected to behave. The HCPC registers all 14 allied health professions, and paramedics must be registered with them in order to practise.

Responsibility lies with registrants 

Bernie O'Reilly, chief executive and registrar at the HCPC, emphasised that it is every registrant's responsibility to revise the new updated standards.

"It is every registrant’s responsibility to make sure they are familiar with the changes to the standards and guidance on social media and continue to meet them," he said. "We have worked closely with stakeholders, such as yourself, in both the development of the standards and guidance, and in the promotion of the changes to registrants."

"We would urge everyone to make sure that their members or colleagues are aware of the updates, and thereby help us embed these revised standards."

The HCPC has published resources regarding the changes on its website, which you can access 

"The revisions make the standards clearer and more relevant to current practice," Mr O'Reilly continued. "I have no doubt that they will support all our registrants, to conduct themselves with professionalism and pride every day."


NHS England announce the launch of new telephone mental health support available via NHS 111


NHS England have today announced the launch of new telephone mental health support available via NHS 111. The College welcomes this single point of access support from trained mental health professionals for those experiencing mental health crisis. However, we believe that further funding and investment into welfare and psychological services are vital to ensure timely specialist mental health care is available to all patients who need it.


AACE News: AACE Chair Daren Mochrie resigns to take up international ambulance role


Daren Mochrie QAM, Chair of the Association of Ambulance Chief Executives (AACE) and Chief Executive Officer of North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust, will be leaving both roles to take up a new high-profile senior ambulance role abroad in December 2024. 

Anna Parry, Managing Director of AACE said: “Daren assumed the AACE chair role in August 2020 at a particularly challenging time for ambulance services with the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic and the high-profile performance pressures that continue to be exacerbated by hospital handover delays. In addition, he had to lead the sector through widespread NHS industrial action including within ambulance services. During this time, he has been an inspirational leader playing a key role in the ongoing development of AACE, ensuring the voice of the ambulance sector is clearly heard in the media, and engaging with the most senior stakeholders, including government ministers and organisations such as the Royal Foundation. We are extremely grateful for the commitment he has shown in the AACE chair role and wish Daren all the very best for the next exciting chapter in his career.”
Outgoing AACE Chair Daren Mochrie QAM said: “I joined the NHS at sixteen years old and have given over 36 years of service, 33 of which have been in the ambulance sector, but never in my wildest dreams did I think I would leave the UK NHS as chief executive officer of North West Ambulance Service and chair of AACE. It has been a privilege to lead AACE and I will leave with mixed emotions, but it feels like the right time to go and explore new opportunities for myself and my family and to leave NWAS and AACE in the best possible shape.” 

AACE will now begin work to identify a suitable successor via its standard chair election process and will ensure a smooth transition to the new arrangements. 

College of Paramedics discuss the future of the Paramedic profession within Northern Ireland


Yesterday, Tracy Nicholls, Chief Executive, and Mandy Powell, Policy & Public Affairs Manager, met with Mike Nesbitt, Minister for Health, Northern Ireland to discuss Paramedics in Northern Ireland and the role the profession can have in supporting plans to support the recovery of Health services aligning to his initiatives and vision for the future of health and social care across Northern Ireland. Tracy said “The Minister was very generous with his time and we covered a lot of ground on the opportunity for paramedics to contribute to the future of the recovery and transformation aligned to his vision.” 

The meeting was part of our policy engagement work, which included meetings with our Paramedic Council Rep in Northern Ireland, Jacqueline O'Neill, the Chief Allied Health Professions Officer in Northern Ireland, Michelle Tennyson, and visits to Antrim and Ballymena Ambulance Stations.  Thank you to everyone who turned up to share their experiences and to James and Damien for their expert facilitation. 

Statement regarding the recent violence and its impact on the paramedic profession


We are deeply saddened and concerned by the recent attacks against our communities across the UK over recent days. These mindless acts of violence and the discrimination they show have no place in our society.  We recognise that many of you will have been affected, either by your role in attending the impact of such violence, or who may be feeling deeply anxious about how this manifests, both within your workplace, and personally.  We would remind you that everyone has the right to feel safe at their place of work and we know that there is universal condemnation across all employers on this matter.

It was only last week that we came together in sorrow as the tragedy unfolded in Southport and we are all disgusted by the behaviour that does nothing to honour the memory of those young and innocent children, for whom our thoughts remain with their families. 

We stand in solidarity with all those affected and reaffirm our commitment to fostering an inclusive and respectful environment for everyone. Our strength lies in our diversity, and it is crucial that we come together to support one another during these challenging times. We urge everyone to promote understanding, kindness, and unity, and to reject all forms of hatred and intolerance.

We know that you are working at the sharp end of this violence and that you continue to maintain the utmost respect and professionalism when dealing with such behaviour, but we are all human and recognise the anxiety and concern that you may be feeling during this time.

Please do report any incidents of hatred or racism that you may encounter, and know that confidential, independent emotional support can be reached at The Ambulance Staff Charity.

We commend you, that you continue to provide an enormously valuable service to our communities – which are your communities too. We will work collectively to ensure that every individual, regardless of their background, feels safe and valued in our communities of practice. Please do look after one another – now, more than ever. 

We at the College of Paramedics Diversity Steering Group, wanted to formally recognise the difficulties that all paramedics are facing in the midst of the far-right violent disorder.

We further recognise that some of our paramedic colleagues may be more impacted by the actions of a vocal minority and therefore wish to extend our support and solidarity to those affected. We are your allies, your colleagues, your friends and your green family, and we see and hear you 

College Receives Great Seal and Vellum for Royal Charter


As you know, the College of Paramedics was granted the Charter of Incorporation by His Majesty King Charles III in February of this year.

But the Charter did not come into legal effect until the Great Seal was affixed to the vellum copy by the Crown Office at the House of Lords.

We are now delighted to inform you that, on July 9, 2024, the Great Seal was affixed and the College of Paramedics was established through the signing and sealing of a Royal Charter of Incorporation.

Chief Executive of the College of Paramedics, Tracy Nicholls OBE said:
I am delighted we have been able to achieve this on behalf of our members, and to strengthen the College for the future. Gaining the Royal Charter is the first step towards being granted the title ‘Royal’ but our journey to increase leadership and development across our profession has a solid foundation for future chartered titles and more scope for development of paramedics.

President of the College of Paramedics, Jon Price said:
“I am extremely proud that the College of Paramedics has received this level of recognition and I’d like to say a special thank you to all those people who have given their time and effort over the last 20 years to develop the College into the organisation it is today.”

The Royal Charter was granted to the College in recognition of its objectives to inspire and enable all paramedics to participate in the profession within an environment based on safety, collegiality, inclusiveness, mental and physical wellbeing and innovation.

The issue of the Royal Charter represents an important milestone in the development of the College of Paramedics, provides recognition for the profession, gives strength to our professional voice and leadership and offers our members a moment of immense pride. It also cements the College in perpetuity, meaning that there will always be a College of Paramedics for the future, supporting and guiding the profession forevermore. 

Now that the Great Seal has been affixed and the terms of the Charter have come into legal effect, the College will work hard with its members and stakeholders to develop plans to determine what the role of ‘Chartered’ paramedic will be and how this will add value to the profession and to those it serves.

We will keep you updated on all these developments as they occur.


Statement regarding yesterday's major incident in Southport


Like the rest of the UK, everyone at the College of Paramedics is devastated by the news of the dreadful attacks in Liverpool yesterday. 

We know that all ambulance staff and other emergency responders involved will be forever changed as a consequence of dealing with such an horrific incident. We send our heartfelt condolences to the families and friends of those affected by the attack and pray for a speedy recovery for those still being treated by our EM colleagues and hospital teams. 

Our thoughts also go to those at North West Ambulance Service and all those who dealt with the incident. 

Reaching out for support may feel a difficult thing to do but know that The Ambulance Staff Charity are there for you if you'd like to talk in confidence


Statement regarding Sky News investigation


Today’s story on Sky News highlights once again how the ambulance sector in the UK has long been facing serious concerns regarding continued unacceptable sexualised behaviour. Reports have highlighted a pervasive culture of sexual harassment and misogyny, affecting many staff members, particularly women. This behaviour is completely unacceptable and undermines the safety and wellbeing of those dedicated to improving and saving lives.  
It is imperative that the work which is underway from the Ambulance Cultural Review Delivery Board continues and that all ambulance services sustain and accelerate their actions to address these issues as they are having a profound effect on individuals who face this type of behaviour from their peers and managers, and we support the work to continue fostering a culture of respect and safety for all staff.  
We will continue to hold listening events for all members and thank you to those of you who have courageously told us your stories as this drives us to ensure change remains a key focus of the College.

Health in The King’s Speech


Government seeks to reform the Mental Health Act, improve NHS waiting times and restrict the sale of tobacco products.

The King's Speech 2024 has set out the priorities of the new Labour Government in Westminster, announcing more than 35 bills and draft bills aimed at supporting economic growth.

In terms of Health policy, the Government commits to take steps to improve the National Health Service for everyone – including reducing waiting times and focusing on prevention.  

  • Mental Health Bill aims to ensure mental health is given the same attention and focus as physical health, and ministers will work to modernise the Mental Health Act.
  • Legislation will be brought in to help stop young people smoking and vaping, with a Bill to be introduced to progressively increase the age at which people can buy cigarettes and impose limits on the sale and marketing of vapes.
  • In other parts of the speech, the Digital Information and Smart Data Bill aims to harness the power of data for economic growth to improve people’s lives, including a move to an electronic system for the registration of births and deaths, and applying information standards to IT suppliers in the health and social care system.

The College of Paramedics welcomes these commitments to health and wellbeing and we will continue our work with policymakers and stakeholders to demonstrate how our members play a vital part in delivering and transforming healthcare. d to the vellum copy, the Crown office will contact the College to arrange for collection.

2024 Review of our Membership fees


The College of Paramedics is dedicated to providing you with the very best support services and offering you access to the relevant tools, CPD, guidance and representation during every stage of your professional career so that you can achieve the highest possible standards of patient care.

Our desire to invest in our member experience is at the very heart of what we do and we wish to express our heartfelt thanks for your continued support, enabling the College to represent your voice collectively with policy and decision-makers across the UK and to promote and advance the paramedic profession.

In order to continue to work effectively and be financially sustainable, today we are announcing updates to our membership fees from October 1, 2024.

Whilst we appreciate and understand that this is a financially challenging time for many of you, we have made every effort to minimise how much we pass on to our membership.

Please find the full list of 2024 membership fees below, with the assurance that fees will continue to be reviewed annually.

Individual membership fees per year;

                 2023                               2024*             
Full Membership:     £150      £162
Student Membership:      £42        £45
Associate Membership:    £68      £72

* For existing members, with effect from 01 October 2024, membership fees will increase from your Annual Renewal date. The new membership fees will apply to all members joining from 21 August 2024.

Here, at the College of Paramedics, our work is driven by what matters to you and between 2023 and 2024, we have made a significant impact in a number of areas including:
  • Securing Royal Charter status
  • Successfully campaigning for a change in legislation to allow prescribing of controlled drugs by paramedic independent prescribers
  • Launching the ParaMEdic Project
  • Speaking out publicly and supporting student paramedics who have experienced sexual harassment, bullying and inappropriate behaviour within the ambulance service
  • Delivering our first manifesto, which introduces the key issues we need politicians and decision-makers to be aware of and work with us on to support the profession
  • Welcoming a new President, Vice-president and respective new Chairs of the Paramedic Council and Student Council  
  • Represented our members at the Scottish COVID -19 Inquiry
Membership Benefits
In return for your continued membership support, CoP members receive a wide variety of benefits which we are continually updating and developing. Highlights include:
  • Free of charge Fitness to Practise representation, up to £100,000
  • £5million medical malpractice and public liability insurance for private work undertaken which amounts to £5K or less each year
  • Access to our national network of CPD events
  • Discounts on a range of products and services
  • Peer support for those going through Fitness to Practise proceedings and free legal representation at HCPC regulatory hearings
  • Access to over 500 videos on the CPD Hub
  • A quarterly membership magazine and monthly digital newsletter
  • 24 Hour Legal Helpline available to full members for fitness to practise matters
  • Representation before government, employers, policy-makers and other external stakeholders
  • Research undertaken on behalf of the profession
  • Bespoke App released May 2024
  • Our National Conference which is designed to educate, inform, entertain and support you in your development as a paramedic
  • Representation in your education and career development
If you have any queries regarding your membership or wish to learn more about becoming a member of the College of Paramedics then please contact –

We thank you again for the commitment and support you have shown the College. Our priority is to be the very best we can be for you!

On behalf of the College of Paramedics

Jon Price

Healthcare Policies Published in Party Manifestos 


Healthcare Policies Published in Party Manifestos

We’ve collated mentions of health policies, from each party manifesto. Please note, health is devolved, which means any health policy pledges would apply only to England, but funding from the UK Government has in impact on how services are funded in the Devolved Nations.


Conservative manifesto health policies

Many of the Conservative promises on health and social care relate to existing policies and targets including
Increasing the number of doctors and nurses by 120,000. - Introducing a cap on care costs next year. - A new policy promises to tie new dentists into working for the NHS for a number of years after qualifying. 


Other policies include

- The abolition of National Insurance (NI) for the self-employed. - A commitment to spend 2.5% of GDP on defence spending. - The Conservatives say they would pay for £17bn of tax cuts by 2030, by making savings elsewhere, including saving £12bn by reforming welfare payments, and cutting the civil service.


Conservative-Manifesto-GE2024.pdf (

Democratic Unionist Party (DUP)

DUP manifesto health policies Drive waiting lists down - fostering large-scale partnerships between health and social care in NI and national independent providers or not-for-profit organisations. Provide fellowships for young GPs in substantive posts. Commission a practitioner health scheme. Provide a permanent state-backed scheme for indemnity for GPs.
Other policies include  

- Promoting the union and removing barriers within the United Kingdom. - Campaigning to protect family incomes. - Civil Service reform.



Green Party

Green manifesto health policies include
A year-on-year reduction in waiting lists. - Guaranteed access to an NHS dentist. - Guaranteed rapid access to a GP and same day access in case of urgent need. - Investing in GPs and public health to support prevention, early diagnosis and improving quality of life, while also reducing the burden on the NHS. 

- Increasing the allocation of funding to primary medical care, with additional annual spending reaching £1.5bn by 2030. - Restoring public health budgets to 2015/16 levels with an immediate annual increase of £1.5bn. - A National Commission to agree an evidenced-based approach to reform of the UK’s counter-productive drugs laws.


Other policies include

- A Wealth Tax of 1% annually on assets above £10 million and of 2% on assets above £1bn. - Increase Universal Credit and legacy benefits by £40 a week. - A pledge to provide 150,000 new social homes every year.


2024 Manifesto: Downloads - Green Party




Labour manifesto health policies 

- Create an extra 40,000 NHS appointments and operations a year, supported by more weekend services and making use of the private sector.  - Focus on changing the NHS from a sickness service to also be able to prevent ill health. - Aim of developing a National Care Service, for social care, based on the principle “home first” care, to help people live independently.


Other polices include:

- Adding 20% VAT to private school fees, to pay for 6,500 extra teachers in England’s state schools.  - Raise over £8bn in revenue by changing non-dom tax status for wealthy people, tackling tax avoidance, and introducing a windfall tax on big energy.

- Promise to build 1.5m new homes in England during the next five years. - Immediately scrap the Rwanda scheme and divert £75m from it to a new Border and Security Command.





Liberal Democrats

Liberal Democrat manifesto health policies

- Freeing up GPs’ time by giving more prescribing rights and public health advisory services to qualified pharmacists, nurse practitioners and paramedics. - Introduce free personal care in England, to support people needing help with daily tasks, which is currently means-tested in England, with only the poorest receiving help. - A promise of 8,000 more GPs in England.


Other policies include

- An increase in public spending (UK wide) - An ambition to reach net zero by 2045.. - Recognise non-binary identities in law and ban conversion therapy. - Seek to rejoin the Single Market.



Plaid Cymru 

Plaid Cymru manifesto health policies

- Health is devolved which means that whoever wins the UK election will not be responsible for the NHS in Wales, but funding from the UK government has an impact on decisions made in Wales

- Plaid Cymru pledge to recruit 500 extra GPs to address pressures in Wales.


Other policies include

- Increasing child benefit by £20 to tackle child poverty in Wales. - A promise to consult on a path towards independence. - Achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2035. - A commitment to re-join the single market.


Plaid_Cymru_Maniffesto_2024_ENGLISH.pdf (



Reform manifesto health policies

Reform have published a contract, described as a working draft, that will be finalised later this year. Promises include

- All frontline NHS and social care staff to pay zero basic rate tax for 3 years to encourage retention. - Cut waiting lists by using UK & overseas providers. - Tax Relief of 20% on all Private Healthcare and Insurance, to incentivise people who can afford to pay more. 


Other policies include
Reject the influence of the World Economic Forum.  - Cancel membership of the World Health Organisation unless there is fundamental reform to its structure and funding. 

- Replace the 2010 Equalities Act.

- Propose a Comprehensive Free Speech Bill.




Scottish National Party

Scottish National Party manifesto health policies   
- Protect the NHS from privatisation through a ‘Keep the NHS in Public Hands’ Bill.  - Boost NHS spending by a minimum of £10bn extra each year to address inflationary pressures and improve performance. The SNP suggest that investment into NHS England would generate an additional £1bn annually for NHS Scotland to help meet increasing demand.  - Match Scotland’s NHS pay deals by increasing investment in NHS England staff pay and conditions of at least £6bn, to deliver around £600m for Scotland to invest in pay deals for NHS staff.   - Call for the reversal of recent plans to stop care workers from overseas bringing their families with them to work in the UK.  
Other policies include 
- Deliver Scottish independence.  - Rejoin the EU, reverse Brexit and re-enter the single market restoring free movement for EU citizens.   - Tackle the cost of living crisis by providing urgent support for household finances and reducing the impact of rising interest rates and inflation.  - Reverse the £1.3bn Westminster cut to the Scottish Government capital budget, to invest in new hospitals, schools, rail and road infrastructure and help to achieve net zero. 
SNP 2024 Manifesto: A Future Made in Scotland — Scottish National Party 
Sinn-Fein Sinn-Fein manifesto health policies
• An opportunity to create an efficient all-Ireland national health service. • Women to be able to access the safe and legal health services they are entitled to.
Other policies include
• Continue to lead positive change on the island of Ireland at every level including MPs, MLA, TDs, Seanadóirí, MEPs and councillors the length and breadth of Ireland. • Continue direct discussion with the British Treasury to end the underfunding of the Executive. • Support fair pay for public sector workers.
Westminster Election - Sinn Féin ( 


The General Election will take place on 4 July 2024. 


Register to vote by 11:59pm on Tuesday 18 June 2024 

Register to vote - GOV.UK (

Paramedics mentioned in General Election manifesto


The Liberal Democrats were the first major party to launch their general election manifesto on the 10th of June,  For A Fair Deal makes several key health promises, including “Freeing up GPs’ time by giving more prescribing rights and public health advisory services to qualified pharmacists, nurse practitioners and paramedics”.
Health is devolved, which means any health policy pledges would apply only to England. 
Other commitments include an increase in public spending (UK wide), an ambition to reach net zero by 2045, recognise non-binary identities in law and ban conversion therapy, and to seek to rejoin the Single Market.  

The College of Paramedics shared its own manifesto with all political parties earlier this year. 
We’ve put together a template email for members to share our manifesto with candidates, this can be found here.

Find out who the candidates are in our area 

We will share highlights from the other political party manifestos as they are published.