Paramedic Council Elections 

Nominations are now OPEN for three seats on the College’s Paramedic Council, the representative body for our members – and you could be part of it!

To stand - CLICK HERE
Nine seats are up for election in these elections: 

- East Midlands 
- London 
- Military and Overseas 
- Northern Ireland 
- Scotland 
- West Midlands 
- Yorkshire and the Humber 
- North West 
- Wales 

These pages will give you all the information you need about the Paramedic Council, the election process and guidance on how to become a candidate. 

See below to find out more about the elections: 

- What is the Paramedic Council? 
- What region am I in?
- Being a Member Representative 
- How to nominate yourself 
- Election timetable  


Working with the Board of Trustees, the Paramedic Council provides collective leadership for the College of Paramedics and ensures the effective running of the charity, delivery of strategy and active membership representation.  

The Paramedic Council has the ability to steer and shape the College’s ongoing work and future aspirations by providing a platform for representatives to advocate for their members, ensuring a strong and articulate voice in all that the College does, and by providing a clear and vital communication channel between the College and members. 

In total there are 15 members of the Council. Nine seats are up for election in these elections: 

- East Midlands 
- London 
- Military and Overseas 
- Northern Ireland 
- Scotland 
- West Midlands 
- Yorkshire and the Humber 
- North West 
- Wales 

You can find out more about being a member of the Council by attending our online Member Engagement session on 15th March – be sure to register here


Our regions are based on the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) used by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and others. Each region and nation has one rep. 

Regions are predominantly related to the geographical location in which our members live or work in, except for military members and members registered in the UK but practicing outside of the UK borders, who are within the Military and Overseas sector, and are based on the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) used by the National Office of Statistics and others. 

Members can log in to the College website and go to their member profile, located in the Member Hub, where they can ensure they are allocated the most appropriate region/sector. This will then be the one they can stand within, be represented within and be active within as a member. 


The Paramedic member representative is the voice of the Paramedic members in their nation/region/sector, advocating for their interests, articulating their perspective to the College and communicating with them on the College’s work. This could be you!

Member Representatives have a vote on the Paramedic Council and elect the Chair of the Paramedic Council, who sits on the College’s Trustee Board.


Please download and read Paramedic Council Election Guidance document.   

Your candidate statement – Nominating yourself for the election is simple: just take 2 minutes to fill out the form, upload a photo for our website, and write a maximum of two paragraphs (200 words) outlining why you want to be on the Council and what you can bring to the role. 

Your nomination will need to be supported by 4 other members, so find 4 people from your region whose names you can add as supportive nominators. 

Seek support – ask 4 other members in your region/nation/sector to act as your nominator. You will need to enter their name, email address and College membership number in the form. 
The College of Paramedics recognises the need and inherent benefit of diversity and inclusion within the organisation and amongst its representatives, is committed to equal opportunities in appointment and employment, and seeks to eliminate unlawful discrimination, including racial, sexual or disability discrimination, to promote equality of opportunity and good relations between all.  
The College of Paramedics welcomes and encourages all paramedic members to stand as candidates. However, we would like to increase the diversity, in terms of race, ethnicity and cultural heritage, within the Board of Trustees, the Paramedic Council, the Student Council, and the employed staff of the College, so we would particularly welcome candidates from Black, Asian and other minoritised ethnic backgrounds.  


2025 Paramedic Council By-Elections


Candidate registration opens

5th March 2025

Registration closes

26th March 2025

Voting (if appropriate) opens

9th April 2025

Voting closes

30th April 2025

Election results announced

8th May 2025

Appointment starts

20th May 2025


Voting is available for all members in the region/nation/sector where the position is contested. All eligible voting members will receive an email from Civica Election Services (CES). If you cannot find the email you should:  
1.  Search your inbox for an email from with subject: Paramedic Council Elections 2025 

2.  Email to request a reissue, being sure to mention it’s for the College of Paramedics Paramedic Council Elections 2025 

3.  Request an automatic reissue via – for this process, you will need to enter the email address that we have registered to you in our database  
4.  Check that we have the correct email address for you by checking your profile at Member login   
5.  If you are still unable to find an email and believe that you should have received one, please contact