Today, we are thrilled to announce that His Majesty The King has referred our petition for Royal Charter status to a Committee of the Privy Council for consideration.
The announcement has been formally made in the London Gazette and anyone who is either for or against the petition now has until July 14, 2023 to make their views known.
For the College of Paramedics, this welcome news means that we are officially one step closer to achieving Royal Charter status.
Chief Executive of the College of Paramedics, Tracy Nicholls OBE said: “I am delighted that the College of Paramedics is in the final stages of our application for a Royal Charter. This is due to a huge amount of work by a number of people within the College on behalf of our members who have told us many times that the journey of getting to Royal College status is important to them. I would also like to thank Keith Lawrey who has supported the College with the governance aspects of the process. I certainly hope many of our members will be as pleased as we are that we are on this journey and that it gives you all a sense of pride and achievement.”
We will of course bring you any further updates as, and when, we receive them.