New Year's Honours 2023


New Year's Honours 2023

The College of Paramedics congratulates members who have received awards in the New Year’s Honours List announced on 1st January 2023:

  • Nigel Flanagan – Paramedic London Ambulance Service – Kings Ambulance Medal (KAM)
  • Edward O’Brian – MacMillan Paramedic and End of Life Care Lead Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust – Kings Ambulance Medal (KAM)
Congratulations also go to other ambulance sector recipients of awards in the New Year’s Honours List:

  • Salman Desai – Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Director of Strategy, Partnerships and Transformation – Kings Ambulance Medal (KAM)
  • Wendy Bathgate – Scottish Ambulance Services NHS Trust – Kings Ambulance Medal (KAM)