e-Learning Feedback


The College of Paramedics/Health Education England/eLearning for Healthcare project has been providing bite sized online CPD for paramedics and ambulance staff since 2017.  

We have just launched a user feedback survey. Please can you encourage as many of your contacts as possible to give us feedback, whether or not they are members of the College and whatever their role. The eLearning is aimed predominantly at paramedics but all NHS staff are able to use it. It is particularly useful for those who work alongside paramedics such as Paramedic Students and Apprentices, Emergency Care Assistants, Emergency Care Support Workers and Emergency Medical Technicians
We are particularly keen to hear from Newly Qualified Paramedics as our intention is to expand the site to provide further sessions which help newly registered paramedics to embed their pre-registration learning in practice. We know we have some gaps to fill and we would like our users to help guide the development of the project as much as possible.
You can find the survey through the link below. It is open from 1 August to 30 September 2022 and can be completed on a mobile device, laptop or PC. Please share as widely as possible.
You can access the survey at http://portal.e-lfh.org.uk/Component/Details/763252 
On twitter please use this link:  https://twitter.com/ParamedicsUK/status/1554748499102732288