Yesterday, Tracy Nicholls, Chief Executive, and Mandy Powell, Policy & Public Affairs Manager, met with Mike Nesbitt, Minister for Health, Northern Ireland to discuss Paramedics in Northern Ireland and the role the profession can have in supporting plans to support the recovery of Health services aligning to his initiatives and vision for the future of health and social care across Northern Ireland. Tracy said “The Minister was very generous with his time and we covered a lot of ground on the opportunity for paramedics to contribute to the future of the recovery and transformation aligned to his vision.”
The meeting was part of our policy engagement work, which included meetings with our Paramedic Council Rep in Northern Ireland, Jacqueline O'Neill, the Chief Allied Health Professions Officer in Northern Ireland, Michelle Tennyson, and visits to Antrim and Ballymena Ambulance Stations. Thank you to everyone who turned up to share their experiences and to James and Damien for their expert facilitation.