If a complaint is made to the HCPC about your Fitness to Practise whilst on the temporary register, and this meets the HCPC Triage test, then you would simply be removed from the Temporary Register. The HCPC have recently released a draft document ‘Statement of Approach to Fitness to Practise During Covid-19’, stating “Any concern we receive about a registrant on the COVID-19 temporary or student registers may be taken into account should that registrant apply for permanent registration with the HCPC in future”. This is something to seriously consider before you take on the role and responsibilities of a temporary registered paramedic.
As a student member of the College of Paramedics, you already have access to our specialist legal team in the event that you encounter any difficulty in obtaining permanent registration in the future, on the basis of any fitness to practise concerns whilst you were a student (terms and conditions apply).
Student HCPC Appeals Support
If you are not a member of the College of Paramedics, now is the time for you to consider the worth of that and the benefits of membership at £2.50 per month, to join today
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If you need any further help, advice or guidance, we are ready to assist you. The College fully supports all its members and is happy to talk to you, one to one on the telephone or by email. membership@collegeofparamedics.co.uk or please call 07852 371197