The Elephant on the Road: Emotions in Paramedic Practice

The Elephant on the Road: Emotions in Paramedic Practice
The Elephant on the Road: Emotions in Paramedic Practice
Presented by : Wasim Ahmed 
Date :  Monday 30th January 2023
Time : 10.00 - 11.00

Delivered by Zoom

In healthcare, to enhance individual performance and wider clinical practice, we focus on improving our clinical knowledge and skills. This continues to be demonstrated by the education and training we may receive concerning patient groups such as women in pregnancy, or children and young people. But does this approach sufficiently address the challenges we experience on the road?  

Wasim sets out to see what the literature says, how their findings impact our practice and can anything be done to help practitioners.
This session will demonstrate how non-clinical aspects of our performance and practice such as emotions arguably have a greater influence on our approach, interactions, and outcomes. Wasim will do this by drawing upon literature surrounding the challenges prehospital care practitioners experience with emotional aspects of paediatric care and introducing attendees to the Emotional Cycle of Healthcare Provision.

Wasim is a UK-based Paramedic with experiences in youth and voluntary work, public and community healthcare, event medicine, education, research, and prehospital care. His research interest in the emotional aspects of healthcare is a continuation of his academic background in the social and political sciences.  
After many years of experience in healthcare and drawing upon his background in the social and political sciences, he has found understanding and appreciation of non-clinical aspects of healthcare to be limited. He is therefore keen to raise awareness and enhance understanding around non-clinical aspects amongst fellow healthcare practitioners through his platform drBACKPACK. 

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Non members £10.00

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30/01/2023 10:00 - 11:00