All delegates who have pre-registered have now been sent the link for the event tomorrow. Please check your junk folder and email if you have any queries.
The College of Paramedics, in partnership with the Association of Ambulance Chief Executives (AACE) and JRCALC presents JRCALC 2020: What’s New and What’s Next?
This is an important eCPD event for all paramedics, offering a unique opportunity to engage with the leaders and authors of the UK Clinical Practice Guidelines 2020.
Recent updates will be reviewed and clarified and there will be breakout discussion groups where you can explore the implications for your practice.
This conference has been kindly Sponsored by Class Professional Publishing and Philips
Speaker Bio's



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The College of Paramedics may send you emails/notifications on behalf of exhibitors and sponsors supporting this event, pre, during and post event. Your contact details will not be shared with the exhibitors or sponsors at any time. The programme and speakers maybe subject to change.