Wellbeing Surf Therapy

Wellbeing Surf Therapy
As part of the Rejuvenate. Thrive. Breathe. (RTB) paramedic wellness programme, we have collaborated with Surfwell to offer full members the opportunity to access free, surf therapy. 

The College of Paramedics is delighted to have teamed up with our Police colleagues at Surfwell, to enable full members to access surf therapy as part of the Rejuvenate. Thrive. Breathe. paramedic wellness programme. 

Various dates are available to fit in with your schedule. To sign up for a Surfwell day, please click on the link here SURFWELL  and then the Surfwell link for the College of Paramedics, which will ask you to send an email to express your interest. All emails will be treated with the upmost confidence. 

You will be asked to complete an initial registration form, for which your details will be confidentially shared with Surfwell. One of the team will then get in touch to arrange your day. 

Surfwell is an innovative, new intervention, designed and facilitated by emergency services personnel for emergency services personnel. Far from just surfing, surf therapy promotes psychological, emotional and physical wellbeing, and is used around the world by staff in the military and other organisations, who are experiencing challenges to their psychological health.  
The Surfwell programme is evidence-based, and takes a peer-support approach, where you are paired with a qualified Surfwell instructor (who also works for the emergency services, and thus knows the challenges we can face) who provides bespoke, confidential, non-judgemental, support through a day long surf therapy session.

There are no expectations or pressure to talk – this is your day.

Surfwell is suited to emergency services’ colleagues regardless of experience, ability, or confidence in the water. Even if you can’t swim, think you’re unfit, or worry what you’ll look like in a wet suit – you’ll be absolutely fine - the Surfwell team will be with you every step of the way.

Surfwell is likely to be great if:
- You feel confused, overwhelmed, or need to be able to ‘switch off’.
- You’re without someone who understands and has time to listen.
- Traditional forms of support have not worked or don’t appeal. 
- You find it difficult to talk about things that are bothering you.
- Using the mental health continuum, you’re struggling or surviving, but feel that you are able to try something new.
How to use: AACE How To Use The Mental Health Continuum 10.2023
Visual aid: AACE Mental Health Continuum 10.2023

Based at various locations in Cornwall and North Devon, Surfwell days are for full members only. The session includes use of all equipment and a wet/dry suit, full instruction, and a meal after the session. Accommodation and travel are not included. However, there are many places to stay in the local area. 

For more information on Surfwell: Home | Surfwell 

If you’d like any further information, please contact Jo Mildenhall, Paramedic Mental Health Project Lead – Jo.Mildenhall@collegeofparamedics.co.uk Your email will be treated in confidence. 
Please note: This Wellbeing Surf Therapy has been funded by charitable funding received from the Covid Healthcare Support Appeal.

26/09/2022 12:00 - 01/12/2025 12:00
Registration not available.