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Beyond the Certificate: Making the CPD Principles Work
Beyond the Certificate: Making the CPD Principles Work for everyone
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is the way in which you continue to learn and develop throughout your career.
Whether you are a clinician, manager, educator, researcher, director or policy maker, your CPD adds to your skills, knowledge, professional identity and ways of thinking so that you stay up to date and practice safely and effectively, now and in the future. The College of Paramedics is pleased to be hosting this interprofessional webinar which will invite you to explore and apply the CPD Principles, to help you to plan and use learning effectively, for the benefit of your team, your organisation and your service users.
The CPD Together Group is an interprofessional health and care sector group made up of representatives from over 20 professional bodies and trade unions. We aim to promote good practice in CPD and Lifelong Learning amongst and on behalf of all who work in health and social care. Further information and resources can be found on the
NHS Learning Hub
All attendees will receive a CPD certificate. But we need to go beyond that…
Victoria Harris
Head of Learning, Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists
Vicky is current chair of the CPD Together group and has been a member of the group since 2018. She is Head of Learning at the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists and is passionate about people having access to the CPD and lifelong learning they need to flourish in their careers. She is also keen to support the key contribution that people have in giving back to the learning and development of others - eg through supervision, practice placements, running networks, coaching and mentoring.
Gary Strong
National CPD Lead, College of Paramedics
Gary has been the National CPD Lead at the College of Paramedics since 2017. He previously worked in paramedic education in various roles as a Clinical Tutor, Clinical Lead, university lecturer and as Programme Lead for paramedic degrees in both the UK and New Zealand. Gary is a member of the College of Paramedics Education Team, working on a range of projects in paramedic education and professional development. He has been a member of the CPD Together group since 2018 and is a former chair of the group.
This webinar will be held via Zoom and you will be emailed the joining link 24 hours before the start
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if you need any additional support.
The College of Paramedics is committed to fulfilling the aims of our Belonging and Inclusion Strategy which includes the need to understand the diverse needs of our members. In order to ensure that we are supporting you through our events, health and wellbeing provision, CPD and representation, we need to know about you. Please do complete the 'equality' monitoring questions found on your profile page when you sign in to the College's website. Please also check your contact details including email address, telephone number, home address and bank details are all up to date and help us to help you (all information provided is kept in the strictest confidence in-line with current GDPR requirements).
19/11/2024 12:00 - 13:00
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