Cruse Loss and Bereavement Overview Seminar

Cruse Loss and Bereavement Overview Seminar
The College of Paramedics is pleased to offer a one hour seminar on supporting those suffering Loss and Bereavement.
Led by an experienced facilitator from Cruse Bereavement Support this event is free for both members and non-members of the College of Paramedics.

To find out more about Cruse please click HERE 

-Gain an overview of the grieving process by looking at current models and understand the impact of loss and bereavement on individuals, families, organisations and communities. 
-Explore the factors that help explain why everyone grieves differently. 
-Understand what support someone may need when they are grieving and simple things you can do to provide this. 
-Feel more confident about talking with someone who is grieving by looking at what to say and what not to say. Learn about the need to look after yourself when supporting someone who is grieving. 

This is very much a ‘taster’ session and we are working closely with Cruse and are hoping to be able to offer more in depth learning opportunities in the future.

  Cruse Bereavement Support

Members of the College of Paramedics FREE
Non-members FREE

Members of the College
Please ensure you log into your membership at the top right of this page before registering to attend this event, click the 'proceed to checkout' button and complete the order to complete your booking. You will receive a confirmation email on receipt of your booking.

Non members
If you have registered to attend one of our events before then please log into your account using your email address and password by clicking 'log In as a member' at the top right of this page. If you do not have an account you will need to make one before booking your place. Please click 'Register as a non member' at the top right of this page and fill in all your details. You will need to click the 'proceed to checkout' button, pay for your place and complete the order to complete your booking.

You will receive a confirmation email on receipt of your booking Email if you need any additional support.

The College of Paramedics is committed to fulfilling the aims of our Belonging and Inclusion Strategy which includes the need to understand the diverse needs of our members. In order to ensure that we are supporting you through our events, health and wellbeing provision, CPD and representation, we need to know about you. Please do complete the 'equality' monitoring questions found on your profile page when you sign in to the College's website. Please also check your contact details including email address, telephone number, home address and bank details are all up to date and help us to help you (all information provided is kept in the strictest confidence in-line with current GDPR requirements).
04/06/2024 10:00 - 11:00