Pre-Hospital Maternity & Newborn Conference 2024

Pre-Hospital Maternity & Newborn Conference 2024
Optimising care for vulnerable women and babies requiring urgent or emergency care from the ambulance service before, during or after birth.
 Join us at the groundbreaking event of the year – the inaugural UK Pre-Hospital Maternity Conference organised by the College of Paramedics in partnership with the UK Ambulance Maternity Leads is taking place on Tuesday 3rd September at the Birmingham Conference and Events Centre.

Explore cutting-edge insights and best practices in pre-hospital maternity care with leading experts, paramedics, and healthcare professionals. Engage in thought-provoking discussions, share experiences, and gain invaluable knowledge that can transform emergency care for vulnerable mothers and infants. 

The conference offers a unique platform to delve into the latest advancements, protocols, and strategies to ensure optimal outcomes for vulnerable women and babies in urgent and emergency situations. From real-world case studies to interactive workshops, attendees will leave equipped with practical tools to elevate their practice and contribute to the improvement of pre-hospital maternity care.

Network with like-minded professionals, exchange ideas, and forge collaborations that will shape the future of emergency maternity care. Don't miss this opportunity to be part of a historic event that promises to elevate standards and revolutionise the approach to pre-hospital maternity care in the UK. 
Secure your spot now and be at the forefront of advancing care for vulnerable women and babies in critical moments. Join us in making a difference at the UK Pre-Hospital Maternity Conference – where excellence meets emergency!
Programme Includes

Experiences of Black Women During Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond 
Presented by Agnes Ayepong, CEO Global Black Maternal Health, and Michelle Peters, Head of Research, Global Black Maternal Health & Ambulance Service Maternity User

Obstetric Medicine: Medical conditions in Pregnancy                                                                                           
Presented by Professor Cathy Nelson-Piercy, Consultant Obstetric Physician and International expert in Obstetric Medicine

Maternity and Newborn Care: A National Picture – A Panel Discussion
Including presentations by; Kate Brintworth, Chief Midwife for England, Donald Peebles, Lead Obstetrician for England, Fenella Wrigley, Deputy Chair NASMED, MD LAS, NHSE Ambulance lead
Panel members include : Agnes Ayepong (CEO Global Black Maternal Health),Steve Magee (Consultant Paramedic), Kate Brintworth, Donald Peebles and Fenella Wrigley

Why babies are different. Newborn physiology, resuscitation and out of hospital births
Presented by Dr Joe Fawke, Consultant Neonatologist, University Hospitals Leicester NHS Trust, Chair, Resuscitation Council (UK) NLS & ARNI Subcommittees, Head of East Midlands School of Paediatrics, ILCOR NLS Task Force Member

Breakout rooms  and workshops throughout the day
Pregnancy Loss 
Session 1: Session 1: Saying Goodbye, Zoe Coates-Clarke (Co-author National Pregnancy Loss Review)  
Session 2: Pre-hospital baby loss support - Damon Wheddon

Bleeding During Pregnancy – Case Study Presentations
Session 1: Management of bleeding up to 20 and after 20 weeks
Session 2: PPH - Susie Rhind 

Breech Birth Workshop 
Session 1: Breech birth theory Dawn Kerslake 
Session 2: Practical workshops  

Maternal Cardiac Arrest 
Session 1: Maternal Cardiac Arrest 
Session 2: Resuscitative Hysterotomy 

Perinatal Mental Health
Session 1: Women's Needs During and Following Pregnancy 
Session 2 - Case Presentation: Puerperal Psychosis: CCP with Mental Health Expertise

Postpartum Haemorrhage
Session 1: Management of PPH
Session 2: Case presentation 
Session 3: Human factors in emergency maternity care

Also includes sessions and workshops on;
Physiological Birth/Birth Imminent
Thermoregulation of the newborn 

Multidisciplinary Working
Civility Saves Lives (Dr Jasmine Leonce)
Shoulder Dystocia
Cord Prolapse Workshop
And Maternity JRCALC Updates

Call for Poster Abstracts
onference theme: Optimising care for vulnerable women and babies requiring urgent or emergency care from the ambulance service before, during or after birth
Send Abstract to 
Deadline: 16th August 2024
If you are interested in sponsoring or exhibiting at this event please email 

Members of the College of Paramedics  - £50 
Non Members of the College of Paramedics - £75 

How to book
Members of the College
Please ensure you log into your membership at the top right of this page before registering to attend this event, click the 'proceed to checkout' button and complete the order to complete your booking. You will receive a confirmation email on receipt of your booking.

Non members
If you have registered to attend one of our events before then please log into your account using your email address and password by clicking 'log In as a member' at the top right of this page.
If you do not have an account you will need to make one before booking your place. Please click 'Register as a non member' at the top right of this page and fill in all your details. You will need to click the 'proceed to checkout' button, pay for your place and complete the order to complete your booking. You will receive a confirmation email on receipt of your booking.

Email if you need any additional support.

The College of Paramedics is committed to fulfilling the aims of our Belonging and Inclusion Strategy which includes the need to understand the diverse needs of our members. In order to ensure that we are supporting you through our events, health and wellbeing provision, CPD and representation, we need to know about you. Please do complete the 'equality' monitoring questions found on your profile page when you sign in to the College's website. Please also check your contact details including email address, telephone number, home address and bank details are all up to date and help us to help you (all information provided is kept in the strictest confidence in-line with current GDPR requirements).
03/09/2024 09:00 - 17:00
Birmingham Conference & Events Centre Hill Street Birmingham B5 4EW