The College of Paramedics’ approach to e-learning is determined by the needs of its members. We aim to provide high quality, accessible online learning options for paramedics, wherever they work. We do this in two ways:
The members-only CPD Hub contains a large collection of videos, podcasts and links to courses, all of which offer paramedics the opportunity to refresh and update their knowledge and explore new learning. We regularly add new content to the site and if you have suggestions or ideas for inclusion, please contact us via
For access to the CPD Hub, please click here.

E-Learning for Healthcare Partnership
Since 2017 the College of Paramedics and eLearning for Healthcare have worked in partnership to develop e-learning CPD specifically for Paramedics, providing bite-sized, problem-based learning to support paramedic practice and enhance patient safety. Every session has been developed so it can be used on any device: Smart Phone, Tablet, Laptop, or PC. This means you can access CPD whenever and wherever you choose. If you are interrupted, no worries: your device will remember where you left off and offer you the opportunity to start again at that point.
To access the e-Learning CPD platform click here
The programme focuses upon core paramedic learning. So whether you are a recent graduate looking to consolidate learning, or an experienced paramedic wanting to do some revision, there is CPD here for you. Module authors have ensured that the learning is applied to practice, with a focus on problem-based learning and case studies. Each module has been developed under the leadership of module editors with an expert interest in their respective subjects.
The programme is constantly being expanded and reviewed. For Newly Registered Paramedics it will form a key component of Paramedic Foundation Preceptorship.
Topics include:
• Law and Ethics for Paramedics
• Clinical Decision Making for Paramedics
• Pain Management for Paramedics
• End of Life Care and Palliative Care as associated with Paramedic practice
• Mental Health for Paramedics
• Maternity Care for Paramedics
• Urgent Care for Paramedics - Illness
• Urgent Care for Paramedics - Injuries
• Long-Term Conditions for Paramedics
• Paediatrics for Paramedics
• Public Health for Paramedics
• Management of Burns for Paramedics
• Cardiac Care and ECGs for Paramedics
• Paramedic Management of Infectious Diseases (including COVID19)
• Supervising and Assessing a Learner in Practice
The easiest way to access the e-learning is via an NHS email account, an Open Athens account or an email address that ends in any of the following:
information on how to
register can be found here:
Members of the College of Paramedics who do not have one of these email accounts can register to access the paramedics e-learning here . Please follow the link and complete the Survey Monkey. This will enable College of Paramedics administrative staff to manually upload your details to the system so that you can access the e-learning.
To access the e-Learning CPD platform from a non-listed email address click here
e-Learning for Healthcare
e-Learning for Health (e-LfH) has a proven track record in developing clinically credible online learning for health professionals. Every session has been developed with the support of e-Learning for Healthcare’s Instructional Designers by a clinician with a specialist interest and significant experience in the subject. All sessions are then scrutinised by a Module Editor, all of whom are paramedics leading in their specialist subjects.
The e-LfH Instructional Design team has made every effort to make the theory elements of each session interactive. Sessions include case studies relevant to paramedic practice, which helps make the theory ‘come alive’. This is then followed by an opportunity for you to test yourself. Each session is ‘bite-sized’ and most should not take more than about 20 minutes to complete. The intention is that individual sessions can be completed on any personal device, whenever you get time. You can also choose to access single elements of each session (Overview, Case Studies, Self-Assessment, Summary) each of which can be completed in less than 10 minutes.
Some longer sessions are now being introduced on topics that require more time and depth, e.g. ECG interpretation.
The e-Learning for Healthcare site contains learning opportunities on a huge range of topics relevant to all healthcare professionals. The College of Paramedics News Digest regularly highlights other opportunities that will be of interest to paramedics.
The College of Paramedics – e-Learning for Healthcare project has been undertaken with financial support from NHS England. PLEASE NOTE that the e-learning is available in all four nations of the United Kingdom. The project has had representation and input from key strategic groups, including the Association of Ambulance Chief Executives, the National Education Network for Ambulance Services, the Forum for Higher Education in Paramedic Science, the College of Paramedics’ Education Advisory Group and NHS England.
If you have any further queries about the project, please contact Gary Strong, National CPD Lead at