Hospice Paramedic
Job Title: Specialist Practitioner in Palliative Care
Place of Work: St Wilfrid’s Hospice, Chichester, West Sussex
What does your job include?
I work as a Specialist Practitioner within the Clinical Nurse Specialist Team and hold a caseload of around 40 patients at any one time, often visiting them at home. My role focuses on building relationships with patients, their families and carers, from the moment of referral to our Hospice until after their death. Constantly assessing their disease progression and its impact on every aspect of their lives, our approach prioritises acute symptom control, and we seek to work in partnership with both a patient’s consultant at hospital and their own GP. We also explore wider issues including a patient’s psychosocial needs and support the wider family in often challenging situations, engaging with a diverse range of other agencies including Social Workers, Homeless Charities, Community Nursing Teams and faith groups of all disciplines. We often lead very difficult and emotional conversations, helping everyone understand the dying process and, above all, strive to put as much in place to enable a “good death”.