Michael Bradfield

"It's basically the same, just put the mannequin on the floor…": the role of paramedics in developing resuscitation education

Date: Wednesday 22nd May 2024

Resuscitation courses and guidelines have to date been largely focussed on hospital-based practice, yet most UK resuscitation attempts take place in the out of hospital environment and are attended by paramedics. This session will explore how evolving paramedic practice and the work of the CoP have contributed to RCUK course development specifically aimed at out-of-hospital care, and how paramedics can get involved in shaping future resuscitation practice.


Michael Bradfield, Director of Clinical and Service Development, Resuscitation Council UK

Michael works in the clinical team at Resuscitation Council UK, a charitable organisation which undertakes a range of activities aimed at improving cardiac arrest survival including developing national resuscitation guidelines, quality standards, education, the ReSPECT process and supporting survivors of cardiac arrest. Michael is a paramedic and began his career in the NHS in 2005, and has worked in a variety of ambulance service patient-facing, education and service-development roles.