Matthew Catterall 
Christopher Moat

The Principles of Practice-Based Learning

Date: Thursday 23rd May 2024

This presentation will introduce the principles of practice-based learning which are shared by all allied health professional bodies. These are designed to support everyone in developing, enhancing and sustaining pre-registration practice-based learning.


Matt Catterall, Programme Lead and Principle Lecturer - Paramedic Science, Oxford Brookes University

Matt is an experienced educator having taught at the University of Hertfordshire and Oxford Brookes University where he leads the BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science programme. As a Doctoral Researcher, researching student paramedics' practice-based learning, Matt has used this expertise in co-chaired the Practice-Based Learning curriculum chapter for the College. Matt undertakes regulatory activity as a Fitness to Practice and Education Visitor with the HCPC. Matt still practices clinically as a bank paramedic with the London Ambulance Service, having worked with London since graduation in 2001.

Christopher Moat, Head of Education and Research, CIPHER medical

Having joined the ambulance service in 1990, Chris enjoyed a long and varied 24 year career. Throughout this time, he was fortunate to be able to experience a wide range of clinical and educational roles whilst advancing his clinical skills. Alongside this, he advanced his academic qualifications in line with the development of the profession and personal career development. Upon resigning from the ambulance service, Chris began a new career in higher education where his passion for paramedic education developed further. As an academic, he was able to contribute towards paramedic curriculum development both locally and nationally and has been fully engaged with the College of Paramedics as a educational visitor. Recently, his career has moved away from academia to a new and exciting challenge in the independent sector where he is employed as the Head of Education and research within CIPHER medical. 'This is a challenging but rewarding role and I look forward to continuing to develop and shape future pre-hospital clinicians.' Chris has also recently been appointed as the Geographical lead Paramedic for the North East and Yorkshire, a role within the College which he looks forward to developing further.