Leo McCann

The Multiple Meanings of Professionalism

Date: Wednesday 22nd May 2024

Many occupations aspire to be professions. But what exactly does this mean? This presentation discusses the varied meanings of 'professionalism' and explores paramedics' interpretations of what professionalism entails for individual and collective identity. The presentation is based on qualitative research featuring in the book 'The Paramedic At Work' (Oxford University Press, 2022).


Leo McCann, Professor of Management, University of York

Leo McCann is Professor of Management at the University of York. His research and teaching focuses on the nature of professional work in white-collar and uniformed occupations, with a particular focus on the complexities and conflicts that are often endemic to large organizations. He has conducted in-depth, qualitative research into organizations such as ambulance services, police forces, financial services organizations, and universities. Using sociological and historical paradigms, he is currently working on a major study on the organizational history of management control systems such as performance targets and quality indicators. His work has appeared in journals such as 'Work, Employment and Society', 'Organization Studies', 'Leadership', and 'Journal of Management Studies'. He is the author of 'The Paramedic at Work: A Sociology of a New Profession' (Oxford University Press).