Lawrence Hill

50 Shades of Green

Date: Thursday 23rd May 2024

Whilst not all features of paramedic identity relate to ambulance practice a great number of them do. This presentation, stemming from Lawrence's doctoral research, will attempt to untangle and articulate the complex web of experiences that paramedics have in the process of being and becoming paramedics in ambulance practice.


Lawrence Hill, Associate Professor Paramedic, Science Associate Head of Education, University of East Anglia, College of Paramedics

Lawrence started his paramedic education in 2005, registering as a paramedic in 2009. He worked for the London Ambulance Service as an EMT, paramedic, and practice educator between 2006 and 2016. In 2013 he joined the University of Hertfordshire as a lecturer and completed a PGCert in Education. Lawrence completed an MSc. in Simulation-based-education in 2018, and is currently studying for a ProfD part-time at the University of East Anglia (UEA). He works as an Associate Professor in Paramedic Science at UEA and leads the degree programme, organised modules in PHEM in collaboration with the East Anglian Air Ambulance, and chairs their cross faculty SBE group. In January 2024 he started work for the College of Paramedics as the Associate Head of Education and is responsible for the CoP endorsement process for paramedic pre-registration curricula. His doctoral research project explores how professional identity emerges from the experiences paramedics have on the road to becoming and being paramedics. Lawrence has come to realise that his own professional identity is predominantly that of paramedic educationalist, 'As our profession matures perhaps there'll come a time when I might not feel the need to establish my clinical credibility in a biography…'