Sam Thompson

Sexual Assault - A Time to Care

Date: Thursday 23rd May 2024

Managing patients who have been sexually assaulted represents challenging moral and ethical dilemmas for any health care professional. A rape occurs every 11 hours in the UK, yet myths prevail based on misinformation, ignorance and the inherently protective need for attribution amongst those believing victims: “asked for it”. This session addresses those myths and considers a new approach for health professionals at all levels involved in their care.


Sam Thompson, Senior Lecturer in Paramedic Science, St Georges, University of London

Sam Thompson is a Senior Lecturer in Paramedic Science at St Georges, University of London. Specialising in the care of patients who have been raped or sexually assaulted, she is the author of the Joint Royal Colleges Ambulance Liaison Committee national guidelines on sexual assault and speaks nationally and internationally about the care of this very vulnerable group of patients. Sam has been published in books, academic journals and her podcasts can be found online. She represents the College of Paramedics on the Inter Collegiate and Agencies Domestic Violence Abuse national forum and sits on the Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine Academic Committee.